
< Draft Market Organisational policy

Draft Market Organisational policy

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The way that Farmers Markets in Kent are organised is quite varied, and mostly this reflects how they might have been started up in the first place; typically they could be a sub-committeee of the Parish Council, or the Church, or Village Hall , and some markets in Kent are run by the local council itself. We get asked regularly about what's the best way to do this, so over the next year we will be working with the Plunkett Foundation on what an 'ideal' organisation might look like, as part of a more comprehensive 'tool-kit' for managers.

The following example is based on the policy developed by Wye FM who have kindly agreed that we can use their 'Organisational Standards' as a draft for others.

If you would like to use it as a model to help you draw up your own Standards, highlight the text, copy it and paste it into a Word document.

DRAFT (based on Wye Farmers' Market's standards)

1. This is the statement of general policy and arrangements for ...................... Farmers Market

2. Overall market organisation policy is the responsibility of the Management Committee

3. Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice is delegated to the Market Manager and the Secretary


This policy will be updated periodically and published for agreement at the AGM. General proposals for changes will be notified to all stallholders and members and four weeks allowed for comments. Any significant changes need prior agreement at the AGM. This policy shall be provided to customers on request.

4.1. Location and timings:

The market is held on the ........................., through a licence negotiated with .................. and subject to approvals from Highways etc.

We are licensed for .... markets per month, to be held on ............................................... Additional special markets, for example, Christmas, can also be held with due notice to .....................

4.2 Stallholders and produce:

The primary intention of the market is to provide good quality, local produce at fair prices for the consumer and community, and this is described in more detail in the policy statement on produce etc available on the website. The market manager will organise stallholders and plan their sites at the market and develop opportunities for new stallholders on a regular basis. Stallholders will need to fill out an application form in the first instance, which will be accompanied by guidance notes, and their application will be considered at the next nearest management committee, following advice from the market manager.

There is capacity at the market for up to .... stalls. We would also want to continue to encourage opportunities for community or charity stalls at the market and these are at the discretion of the market manager. However, no organisation with political, campaigning or similar interests will be allowed at the market.

4.4. Tents and tables:

The provison of tents and tables are included in the rental costs

4.5. Affiliation;

The market is currently a member of the Kent Farmers Market Association and costs £30 pa; the management committee will agree renewal of this if it is felt to bring value for money.

5. Management Arrangements:

5.1 Committee Meetings;

A committee will be set up to oversee the markets direction and future plans. All members are welcome to participate in this, and all members are welcome to join it, but the total numbers involved must be practical. There will be a number of discrete roles to be established to help run the Association and this would include a chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasurer and market manager. For continuity it is suggested that they serve up to two years, which would be confirmed at the AGM.

Meetings will be organised at least every two months by the secretary, who will send out an agenda, take formal minutes, and identify any action points. The treasurer will provide a regular status report on the financial position, raising issues as appropriate.

Meetings venues will be agreed in advance by the secretary and are open to all members.

5.2. Market Manager :

The Association believes it will thrive and prosper if it continues to employ a market manager, and the job description for this is shown at attachment. The manager has overall responsibility for market operations and will be supported in this by the management committee.

6. Stall -fees:

These will be confirmed by the management committee annually, and reviewed and published periodically after full consultation with stallholders. For community, new and particularly smaller enterprises, at the market manager's discretion, these can be waived, especially for their first visit.

7. Regulatory Compliance:

The market operations will require to be insured and the secretary will arrange these.

The secretary, working with the market manager, and regularly monitored by the management committee, will implement all other areas of compliance.

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